Saturday, May 9, 2009

Great Daily Articles on Morality, Culture & Notre Dame


See great article on 1st May 2009 post in Once Lacy Dodd, a student at Notre Dame, found herself pregnant she quickly discovered what sort of guy her boyfriend, another ND student, was. He was all in favour of a quick abortion. As she says, "pro-choice" doesn't include the choice to keep your baby. Of course, like most articles, it leaves out far more than it includes. Like, does her daughter have any kind of relationship with her Dad? What sort of relationship could you have with a parent who wanted to abort you?



Bill, do I have to subscribe? It looks as if I can't get to the articles other wise. Stan


You don't need to subscribe to First Things to read most of the excellent material. There is a DAILY ARTICLE LINK on the top page and it is just a matter of going to the bottom of that article and clicking on the "Read More" link. [On the U.S. site, the articles for May are strung all together. Just scroll through them. -- SW]. This leads you to the previous daily articles in date order.....then you scroll down to the abortion article of 1st May.

The article for 8th May is particularly pertinent as it echoes the theme of one of my posts "Because it is wrong!" The author of the 8th May article reminds us of the centrality of moral principle in deciding the rightness or wrongness of an action. Thus it is expedient for the state to bug a confessional to obtain a murder conviction, or to torture someone to obtain anti-terrorist intelligence, or to conduct stem cell research to obtain a medical cure.....but all these actions violate a higher moral principle.

As well as the daily articles, you can click on the Archive tab at the top to get a mountain of back numbers of First Things. Enough to keep you reading for years. It is only the two most recent issues which are protected to encourage you to subscribe....