Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Obama and premature death

Peter Hitchens in suitably acid tongued form. Maybe I've missed something, but I haven't noticed any of the British commentariat who hailed Obama's election as The Second Coming rushing to comment on the stench of corruption coming from his home base. Even by Tony B Liar standards of shameless corruption, the Illinois story is a cracker.

Obama worshippers preparing for a Multiple Obasm when The Wonderful One is inaugurated next month must be shocked - deeply shocked - to find that their idol’s political base, Illinois, is a swamp of corruption where the Governor is (allegedly) trying to sell Obama’s Senate seat to the highest bidder.
Is it at all possible that Mr Obama (who recently endorsed that same Governor) could have spent years as a full-time politician in Illinois without noticing this? Oh, come on.

What a strange society we are, squeamish about hanging guilty murderers, increasingly enthusiastic about dispatching the old and innocent.
Supporters of ‘assisted suicide’, especially if they own their own houses, should watch out lest one day they find their own suicide being enthusiastically assisted by people who don’t fancy seeing the family savings squandered on care-home fees.

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