Monday, February 9, 2009

Behold the Loaf!

Dear Stan,

While listening to "Something Understood" on the BBC's Godslot on Radio 4 on 25th January, I heard this wickedly funny little rhyme. It is obviously not a recent composition, but still comes up smelling fresh as dawn in the face of all the various "scientific" maniacs claiming to have brilliant insights into the meaning of life.

Miniature, by Eden Phillpotts (1862-1960)

The grey beards wag, the bald heads nod
And gather thick as bees,
To talk electrons, gases, God,
Old nebulae, new fleas.
Each specialist, each dry-as-dust
And professorial oaf,
Holds up his little crumb of crust
and cries, 'Behold, the loaf!'

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